CYA Basketball is an all volunteer organization and there is a significant need for volunteers at all levels.
Team Manager
Building Director
Volunteer for the scorebook or clock
Assistant Coach
League Administrator
CYA Basketball Board Member
Team Manager
Most teams have a team manager, their duties are to assist the coach with such things as team communication, scheduling the volunteer to handle the scorebook or clock, organizing a team party, assisting at assessments, and anything else the coach might want help with.
Scorer Volunteer
Each team is required to provide a volunteer to be at the scorer's table; either to keep score in the scorebook or to run the score clock. Training is provided.
Building Director
CYA utalizes Fairfax County gym spaces for games and practices. The County requires teams to have certified Volunteer Building Directors during gym use time.
Fairfax County Volunteer Building Director Certification
Assistant Coach
Every coach should have an assistant, both at practices and at games. The assistant will help run the drills at practice, help during the games, and stand in for a coach if he can't attend a practice or game.
CYA Basketball uses volunteer coaches aged 16 and up for both its recreational and travel programs. All recreational coaches must be at least 16 years old and at least 3 years older than the players. All travel coaches must be 25 years old. All coaches should be knowledgeable in basketball and enjoy working with children or young adults. CYA provides a mandatory training class and coaching materials to help with drills and stragegy.
League Administrators
Each league needs a league administrator to organize the league. This person schedules and runs any assessments, they run the team draft, schedule games and practices, keep team standings, and answer questions from parents or coaches.
CYA Basketball Board Member
CYA Basketball is always looking for new members to join the board of directors. For more information please contact a current board member.
All coaches and assistant coaches must register online as a volunteer and undergo a mandatory background check.